Tipsday: Writerly Goodness found on the interwebz, March 29-April 4, 2015

Does it serve your story? Why killing your darlings is a mark of the mature writer. Roz Morris.

K.M. Weiland asks, What are pinch points and how can they make your story easier to write?

Show what your characters are thinking and feeling like a writer, rather than a director. Katie’s Wednesday vlog.

Ruth Harris shares the ten commandments of productive professional writers.

Here we are at day 29 of Janice Hardy’s online novel revision workshop: Eliminate unnecessary repetition. Though the month is over, you can peruse this lovely series of posts for revision assistance any time you want 🙂

Donald Maass discusses emotional work on Writer Unboxed.

Editor Rachel Starr Thomson guests on C.S. Lakin’s Live, Write, Thrive and writes about weaving in backstory.

Editorial advice: Stop using two spaces after a period. Cult of Pedagogy.

Eight natural phenomena to use in your stories. Mythcreants.

Reading makes us smarter and nicer. Readers are more empathetic. Who knew? Time.

Mary Robinette Kowal played an April Fool’s joke that wasn’t really a joke. She really is going to be working on Sesame Street.

Andrew Pyper is featured in Now.

Silvia Moreno-Garcia and her novel Signal to Noise have gained some high-profile attention. i09.

Culture and conflict on Warpworld: Dr. Robert Runte discusses Canadian vs. American Science Fiction.

J.K. Rowlings’ ten pieces of advice on the lessons of failure (and the commencement speech from which they were taken). The Guardian.

Six John Green Quotes on writing. Authors Publish.

Jack Kerouac’s 31 beliefs about writing. The Write Practice.

This is beautiful and poetic and the total reason I love abandoned places:

Masie Williams will be appearing in the next series of Doctor Who! i09.

The many faces of Tatiana Maslany. The New York Times Magazine. Are you looking forward to the return of Orphan Black?

Outlander and the spanking heard around the world by John Doyle for The Globe and Mail.

Spoilers are coming: George R.R. Martin releases a chapter of the latest Song of Ice and Fire novel. Time.

It was a writerly week!

See you on Thursday 🙂


7 thoughts on “Tipsday: Writerly Goodness found on the interwebz, March 29-April 4, 2015

  1. I meant to read all of the Janice Hardy’s online revision workshops and here we are at day 29 and I haven’t read a single one. I have them all sitting in my inbox waiting to be read.
    Some great links here. I had listen to J.K Rowling’s speech before, but it was good to read the quotes from it as a reminder.
    I loved the ten commandments from Ruth Harris. She had one link on there to a post about how Rachel Aaron went from writing 2k a day to 10k a day which was great.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know what you mean, Rochelle. I’m working on revisions currently, and though I did read all of Janice’s posts, I just couldn’t enact them or incorporate them into my process. I have a feeling they might be collected in her next book 😉 If you’re curious about increasing your word count significantly, you should check out Kamen Hurley. A month or so ago, she posted about hacking her writing process. Because she works a day job, she really couldn’t consistently rack up words/pages during the week but found a way to motivate herself to write 5-10K on Saturdays and Sundays. I couldn’t do it, but it was interesting to read.


      • I think I have revised enough times now that I have my own process too, so maybe I haven’t missed out on that much.
        And thanks for the tip, I’ll check that out. Though I’m not sure if I could do 10k a day. Last year while doing a 50k in 30 days challenge, I did a couple of 5k days in a row and my brain felt absolutely fried. So we’ll see.

        Liked by 1 person

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