Thoughty Thursday: Things that made me go hmmmm on the interwebz, Jan 25-31, 2015

It’s provincial by-election day here in the Sudz. Lot’s of controversy flying about lately. We’ll see what the people decide.

Fast Company makes the case for treadmill desks.

The ideal work schedule as determined by circadian rhythms. The Harvard Business Review. Like my employer would ever let us do that!

Time really is relative. It slows when we’re afraid, speeds up as we age, and gets warped when we’re on vacation. Brainpickings.

What would it look like if the world’s wealth was divided equally among all the world’s people? Thanks to the Observation Deck, now you know.

Another reason to unplug for a while: it turns out that you have to be bored to get creative. The Next Web.

The time to talk about end-of-life issues is now. The Atlantic.

It’s Okay to be Smart discusses five (plus one) weird involuntary behaviours:


Ever wonder what the underside of an iceberg looks like? You’re welcome. IFLS.

What this mega solar farm means for the future of clean energy. GigaOm.

From Quarks to Quasars introduces us to “Super Saturn,” the planet with a huge-normous ring system.

What can these ancient planets tell us about the possible civilizations in their pasts? i09.

The Telegraph offers photos of 17 haunting Holocaust memorials.

“Let’s go fly a drone over Auschwitz,” said one clever BBC cameraman. World.Mic

The lost and abandoned places theme continues this week with England’s abandoned theme parks. BBC News.

What happens to all the fish trapped in a flooded and then abandoned mall in Bankok? A friend suggested eels might be more numerous than the fish (!) Gizmodo.

Would you spend a year in the woods to create art? A friend commented that this was distinctively Blair Witch-y. I agree, but it’s awesome nonetheless. BoredPanda.

Lindsay Stirling covers Senbonzakura:


Could you imagine trying to feed this pack of Samoyeds in a non-chaotic manner? Forget them, what about trying to feed yourself with all those hungry puppy eyes watching you?

Getting all thoughty all over your Thursday 🙂


Let the dancing begin.

Thoughty Thursday

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